Maidstone Borough Council received an application on 20th December 2018 to vary the conditions attached to the outline planning approval for the Kent Medical Campus to allow for the relocation of the nature reserve. This application was validated on December 27th and so members can comment on it if they wish.
The reserve was originally due to be located on Pope's Field but the latest application seeks to move it to the northeast on land running between Hockers Lane and the Medical Campus site.
The agent's letter submitted with the application states that ~
As part of outline planning permission 16/507292/OUT, Pope’s Field, a parcel of land to the south east of the Kent Medical Campus, was secured as a ‘Nature Reserve’ to deliver ecological enhancements as part of the strategic development.
The delivery of the Nature Reserve is required by Condition 5 of the permission and by the signed Section 106 Agreement.
Permission is now sought to amend the extant planning permission to relocate the proposed Nature Reserve. Relocation is required as planning permission is now being sought for a new Primary School and Special Educational Needs Secondary School on Pope’s Field.
An application for that development is submitted concurrently with this application as it is recognized that the proposed amendments would be contingent upon that application being approved.