Local Plan Review ~ Public Consultation
The Society had previously received the following information from Maidstone Borough Council
The Local Plan Review – Scoping Themes, Issues and Initial Choices (Regulation 18) has been prepared for informal public consultation. The consultation document considers the themes and key issues that the Local Plan Review will need to address.
We are asking for your views on these matters and any others you think the Local Plan Review will need to cover.
We have prepared a series of consultation questions to help frame your feedback. You do not need to answer each question; just answer the ones which are most relevant to you.
The Local Plan Review and supporting documents can be viewed and downloaded from the council’s website www.maidstone.gov.uk/localplanreview and is available for inspection at:
• Maidstone Link, King Street, Maidstone, ME15 6JQ
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 09.00 to 16.30; Wednesday 10.00 to 16.30
All libraries in Maidstone Borough during normal opening hours
Please send us your comments using the consultation portal https://maidstone-consult.objective.co.uk/portal/
Alternatively, you can complete the response form (www.maidstone.gov.uk/localplanreview) and send it to us
• By email to ldf@maidstone.gov.uk
• By post to Strategic Planning, Maidstone Borough Council, Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone, ME15 6JQ
Consultation opens on 19th July and we need to receive your comments no later than 5pm on Monday 30th September.
All consultation comments will be made publicly available on the consultation portal (https://maidstone-consult.objective.co.uk/portal/ ) in due course. This is so that interested parties can view all the responses that have been received. Published information will include the comment and responder name. All demographic and contact data will be removed. All data is processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. The consultation responses will be used to inform the next stages of the Local Plan Review.
If you do not wish to receive Local Plan Review updates like this in the future, please contact the Strategic Planning team at LDF@maidstone.gov.uk and we will remove your details from our contacts database
Maidstone Borough Council is committed to maintaining the privacy, security, trust and confidence of all our partners, clients and customers when you use our services. To find out more, please make sure you read our privacy notice here: http://www.maidstone.gov.uk/home/privacy-and-cookies
Please note that we will also be publicly consulting on proposed revisions to Maidstone’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulation 123 List for a period of six weeks, beginning Friday 26th July. You will receive separate notification and details of the consultation, as well as all information being made available on our website.
sider this course of action by attending the meeting on Tuesday 23 October.