12th May 2017
Congratulations to and resignation received from our Chairman, Denis Spooner.
Denis was elected with 73% of the vote as the third ward councillor for Bearsted in the by-election last Thursday, following Mike Revell’s resignation after just two years.
In the short time he has been our chairman Denis has done an enormous amount under the Society’s umbrella to support residents in both parishes. His extensive planning experience and knowledge of the workings of local government, including a wide awareness of the local area, have been put to great use both in his written submissions to Maidstone Borough Council and speaking on behalf of the Society at several Maidstone Borough Council Planning Committee meetings.
Unfortunately for the Society, however, his election has resulted in him stepping down as both Chairman and committee member.
We wish him well in his new role and will, of course, be calling upon his services (as, indeed, we frequently do with Cllrs Val Springett, Mike Cuming and Nick de Wiggondene) to help with local issues.